#AnimesInReflects: prologue

2 min readJun 29, 2020


First and foremost. Yes, the title is weird. It’s okay to judge.

Before you judge even further, let me briefly introduce myself.

Hi, I’m Andin and I’m currently experiencing quarter-life crisis. And to cope, I turned to watching anime, reading mangas and engaging in the Idol fandom.

So, I decided to use medium as a place where I will write my educational, nerdy, word vomits.



If you don’t know me well, you might think something along :

Andin, how the hell anime can become something that you can reflect to? Like, dude. It’s anime, right? It’s not that important or serious, right?

However, if you know me to the core, you know how weird and nerd I am. And that talking about things that I like and correlate them with stuff that I learned, it’s psychology by the way, is something that I enjoyed so, so much.

Also, this is one of my kind of stress-relieving.

So, as someone who spent almost 12 years of her life watching anime and indulge them in a very serious manner most of the times, I picked some traits and messages that I took to heart and reflected those messages that the anime delivered.

I learned a lot from some of the animes that I watched.

I said some because there are sure as hell some animes that I watched for the sake of fun. (Like Osomatsu-san, I’m not sure what message I could pick except having sextuplets boys can be a handful and pain for every single human being around the perimeter).

“shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu!”

I was an avid manga reader/anime watcher of Detective Conan, where I learned my first ever lesson besides from School.

I learned that cyanide (you know, the one that usually appeared as a murder weapon or poisoning method at Conan) had an almond-like scent. I told my mother about this information and she said that I should never bring up a murder conversation onto our family dinner table ever again. She still reprimanded me for that. (Because I brought it up again last month).

In all seriousness, animes really helped and maybe shaped the person that I am now. It was used once as a means to escape from the full of stress, tiring-real world, and daily life, to evolved as one of life learning tools for me. And from here and on, I will try to breakdown some of the life lessons that I learned from animes, mangas, and occasionally; the idols that I liked.

I don’t know if my writing will suit you because I wrote this after I spent a day working and watching Netflix Stand Up Comedies in between, but I will try my best and I hope you can enjoy them.

Thank you!





Written by Andin

Loves Psychology, Content Enthusiast, Self-Proclaimed Anime Analyst. I sometimes write. Instagram: @aandiin_

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